Is there anything I should do before my waxing appointment?
- Refrain from taking a shower or bath immediately before the treatment. Soaking the hair will soften it, allowing it to break more easily and making waxing less effective.
- Make sure the hair is the appropriate length for waxing. See How long, or short, should my hair be for waxing?
- Make sure that the area(s) to be waxed are clean.
- There are certain medications and products that should not be taken or used if you plan to have a waxing treatment soon. Topical exfoliants used on the area to be waxed such as Retin-A, Renova, and hydroquinone, oral acne medications such as Accutane, blood-thinning medications, and topical/oral cortisone make the skin more sensitive and increase the likelihood of irritation or other complications. Please check with your doctor if you are unsure whether you should be waxed while on or using a medication.